The officer roles in our church are elder and deacon. In order to be in this role, you must be nominated.

What is an elder?

A leadership role exercising government, spiritual discernment, and discipline for the life of a congregation. There are two types of elders in the Presbyterian Church: Teaching Elders and Ruling Elders.

Teaching Elders are our pastors and are part of the governing body of the church. In addition to governing the church, Teaching Elders have been ordained by the presbytery and are authorized to preach and administer the sacraments.

Ruling Elders are men who have been called and ordained by the church to govern the church. Ruling Elders are usually laymen.
See our current list of elders.

What is a deacon?

Deacons are ordained officers of the church, called to serve the sick, widows, the needy, the friendless and any who may be in distress.

Deacon Apprentices are men who have completed the necessary officer training required by Village Seven Presbyterian Church, and then one year of apprenticeship prior to ordination.

Deacon Assistants are men and women who have successfully completed Village Seven’s School of Mercy Ministry, required interviews and approvals, and have been appointed to serve the body of Christ by assisting the Deacons in their ministry.
See our current list of deacons.

Shepherding Team

Shepherding Team members are men and women who have successfully been trained, examined, and approved by the Session. They are equipped to help the elders shepherd the people in various situations (marriages, discipleship, family or personal crises, and guidance). The shepherding team is not considered an officer of the church, but they are organized to be able to assists the officers.

See our current list of shepherding team members.

While we are nominating for the officer training class, we also would love to recruit men and women to consider becoming Shepherding Team Members. This means going through about 70% of the officer training class. Ultimately, these people come alongside the staff and session in shepherding issues. If you have a name you would like to submit e-mail You do not need to fill out the entire form, just submit the name for the shepherding candidate.

How does the nomination process work?  

In accordance with the PCA Book of Church Order, members of Village Seven Presbyterian Church have the privilege of nominating and electing men to the offices of Deacon and Ruling Elder whom:

· You have good reason to believe he meets the biblical qualifications given in 1 Timothy 3:2-13 and Titus 1:5-9.

· You have observed him demonstrating either the ability or the aptitude to perform the duties of Elder or Deacon.

· He has been an active member of V7PC for at least one year.

To nominate a man for office:

  1. Complete the Nomination Form.

  2. Once nominated, the officer nominees will go through a class. After they finish the class, they will be presented to the church body for election.