March 23, 2025 - 9:00 a.m.


Welcome &
Ministry Focus

Call to Worship &
Pastor Don Roberts

“Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise” (#38)

“Only a Holy God”

Prayer for Tithes & Offerings

“The Lord Is My Salvation”

Reading of Scripture
Genesis 1:26-31 ESV

“In God’s Image”
Pastor Chris Hodge

“New Every Morning”

Sacrament of Holy Communion

Sent Forth & Benediction


Call 719-574-6700 if you know of anyone being admitted to the hospital due to illness or surgery.


  • Larry and Mandy Wilkes, Richard and Robyn Crane, Kelly and Kate Mulholland

  • To learn more about the missionaries we support, visit www.v7pc.org/world.

March 9 - 15
Weekly Yr-to-Date

General Fund Required $78,452 $784,520

General Fund Received $50,300 $555,477

World Missions Fund. $4,345 $37,842


Children’s Ministry Fair

On April 6, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m., come to Leonard Hall after community hour to see what teaching and discipling for Children’s Ministries looks like. Talk with current volunteers, see curriculum, and have some light refreshments. No registration is required, just stop by, we’d love to see you!

Village Tables - Women’s Ministry

Join Village Tables and experience the joy of connection and community, meeting April 1 - June 30! Women gather in groups of six, meeting once a month in homes for three months to share a meal, meaningful conversations, authentic friendships, and heartfelt fellowship. Sign up today and be part of a supportive circle that inspires and uplifts. Let’s build a village, one table at a time!

Easter Services

Join us for Easter! We will have two services, 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. Child care is provided during both services for birth-K. There will be no communities following the service. The 9:00 a.m. service will be livestreamed.

Men of Seven Spring Retreat

Join us for the Men of Seven Spring Retreat at Sky Ranch Horn Creek from April 25-27.

As Men of Seven we desire to be grounded in faith, leading with strength, and acting in love. Come for an outstanding time of fellowship with other men and exploring God's Word together. There will be a variety of speakers, including our Senior Pastor, Chris Hodge.

Early bird registration is $170 through March 30. Click the link below to learn more and register.

Women’s Acts Bible Study

Please join us this spring for our Acts Study!

  • Wednesday evenings, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m., S3/S4 - Child care available

  • Thursday mornings, 9:00 - 11:30 a.m., Leonard Hall - No child care available

Men of Seven: Bible & Breakfast
Men’s Breakfast is currently meeting through May 7.

  • Date: Wednesday mornings, 6:30 - 7:30 a.m.

  • Location: Room L10 (enter from the west side)


Village Moms
Jan. 14 - May 5 | 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. | Room L10

Large Group Meetings: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays
Planning Meetings: 3rd Tuesdays

Cost for Fall & Spring Semesters: $80 | Child care provided ages 0 - 5
Contact: villagemomsv7pc@gmail.com

Andrew Friedrichs, Worship Leader; Diane DeJong, Organ; David Khaliqi, Acoustic Guitar; Hunter Hawkins, Bass Guitar; Eric Leonard, Drums; Kristi Davis, Keys; Amy Killgore, Violin; Abbey Ness, Debra Halverson, Julia McElhany, Mike Seay, Vocals.

Announcements deadline for the bulletin is Monday 12:00 p.m.
Please go to the Ministry Support Page and fill out the Communications Request Form. Thank you!

Have a question? Email communications@v7pc.org.