January 19, 2025 - 9:00 a.m.
Welcome &
Ministry Focus
Call to Worship &
Pastor Don Roberts
“Only a Holy God”
“Be Unto Your Name”
“Holy, Holy, Holy!” (#100)
Apostles’ Creed
Prayer for Tithes & Offerings
“Run and Run (Christ Is All My Righteousness)”
Reading of Scripture
1 Peter 2:1-12 ESV
“The Building Blocks of the Church”
Pastor Chris Hodge
“The Church’s One Foundation” (#347)
Sent Forth & Benediction
Call 719-574-6700 if you know of anyone being admitted to the hospital due to illness or surgery.
Chris and Beth Matthews, Chery and Scott Klingsmith, Del and Dawn Huff
To learn more about the missionaries we support, visit www.v7pc.org/world.
January 1 - 11
Weekly Yr-to-Date
General Fund Required $72,929 $72,929
General Fund Received $65,107 $65,107
Faith Promise Received $4,845 $4,845
Missions Weekend 2025 Save the Date
Saturday, February 22
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. in Leonard Hall
Join us in Leonard Hall for a sampling of international foods and time to get to know our visiting missionaries with some fun activities for families and children. We will have a missions-focused Basecamp program (1st-5th grade) during the festival.
Visiting Missionaries and Dessert: Join us at 6:30 p.m. in one of several homes to share a dessert together and spend some time with our visiting missionaries to learn more about their ministry and how we can support them.
Sunday, February 23
10:30 a.m. across campus
During community time, our visiting missionaries and others involved in our church missions will be sharing from their experiences, witnessing how God is at work in various areas of the world. This is always a very encouraging time as we learn how God is making and equipping joyful disciples in the world.
Membership Class
Are you interested in becoming a member at Village 7 Presbyterian Church? Join us for our membership class, meeting weekly on Sundays from 10:30 -11:30 a.m. from March 2 - April 13 in E216.
Share, Care, and Prayer
The Women's Ministry Prayer Team invites the church, both children and adults, to participate in their Share, Care, and Prayer initiative, running from January 12 to February 9. Fill out a prayer request card and leave it on the left side of the hallway between the church lobby and Leonard Hall. Additionally, take a card home to pray over during the week. Once you’ve prayed, please write your prayer on the back of the card and hang it on the right side of the hallway in the area labeled 'Prayed For.' This will encourage those who submitted prayer requests, knowing that they were prayed for.
Village Groups
Consider joining one of our Village Groups this spring. Village Groups are our church-wide adult, small group discipleship initiative. We believe that every adult member and attendee should consider joining a Village Group! Village Groups are built on four key components: relationships, truth, prayer and engagement. To learn more and join a Village Group, click below.
Women’s Acts Bible Study Resumes
Our Acts Study will resume on February 5 & 6. Please join us!
Wednesday evenings, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m., S3/S4 - Child care available
Thursday mornings, 9:00 - 11:30 a.m., Leonard Hall - NO child care available
Men of 7: Bible & Breakfast
Men’s Breakfast is currently meeting through May 7.
Date: Wednesday mornings, 6:30 - 7:30 a.m.
Location: Room L10 (enter from the west side)
Village Moms
Jan. 14 - May 5 | 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. | Room L10
Large Group Meetings: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays
Planning Meetings: 3rd Tuesdays
Cost for Fall & Spring Semesters: $80 | Child care provided ages 0 - 5
Contact: villagemomsv7pc@gmail.com
Andrew Friedrichs, Worship Leader; Diane DeJong, Organ; Kaitlyn Lopas, Keys; Logan Lopas, Acoustic Guitar; Hunter Hawkins, Bass Guitar; Daniel Michalski, Drums; David Khaliqi, Electric Guitar & Banjo; Amy Killgore, Violin; Andrew Friedrichs, Charis Gross, Julia McElhany, Stewart McKee, Vocals
Announcements deadline for the bulletin is Monday 12:00 p.m.
Please go to the Ministry Support Page and fill out the Communications Request Form. Thank you!
Have a question? Email communications@v7pc.org.