men of Seven
Our Vision:
Men of Seven: Forging bonds of brotherhood, compelled by authentic grace and love and prepared to engage with God’s mission in our family, the church, the workplace, and our neighborhood.
Sign Up for Our Men of Seven Newsletter
Our Team:
Our Men of Seven team at V7PC is here to come alongside you and the many men serving throughout our congregation and develop new opportunities to connect, grow, and bless others. If you have ideas or want more information about Men of Seven, email our team at or
Meet our team:
Steve Milvain & Rich Wolfe - Men’s Ministry Co-leaders
Kenny Jenkins & Dan Smith - Communications Team Leaders
Josh Mote, Jake O’Brien & Bob Cabell - Service Team Leaders
Rich Wolfe - Events Team Leaders
Jim Adams & Rich Wolfe - Mentoring Team Leaders
Men of Seven Spring Retreat
Join us at Sky Ranch Horn Creek from April 25-27.
As Men of Seven we desire to be grounded in faith, leading with strength, and acting in love. Come for an outstanding time of fellowship with other men and exploring God's Word together. There will be a variety of speakers, including our Senior Pastor, Chris Hodge.
Early bird registration is $170 through March 30. Click the link below to learn more and register.
Men of Seven: Bible & Breakfast
Men’s Breakfast will meet Jan 8 - May 7
Date: Wednesday mornings, 6:30 a.m. - 7:30 a.m.
Location: Room L10 (enter from the west side)
Healing Journey
This comprehensive Bible study is for men desiring to learn and experience God's biblical principles for healing and find a life of freedom in Christ. The curriculum is appropriate for those dealing with current or past painful events of any degree or type, addictions, relationship issues, grief and loss, distance from God, illness and more. Each confidential group is led by a trained facilitator and has room for 7 participants.
• Sundays, beginning September 8, 2023, 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
• Cost: $85 for materials
• Contact: Dave Khaliqi at
• More info:
Resources for Men
PCA: Men’s Ministry
Gary Yagel:
Perry Bowers:
Faith & Work: For more info contact EJ Nusbaum