We believe that giving is an act of worship, and that it honors God. We are generous in our giving because he has so generously given everything for us. We understand that all that we own is the Lord's!

Giving at Village Seven is simple and secure.

Three Ways to Give

  1. Click HERE to give online. Online giving is easy, safe, secure and you can set up a giving schedule.

  2. On Sundays, fill out an envelope and drop your gift in the offering plate.

  3. Give by Mail: Send a check to Village Seven Presbyterian Church,

    4055 South Nonchalant Circle, Colorado Springs, CO 80917



Fill out the form below for assistance with Online Giving, Stock Options or questions.

We teach the biblical financial principles necessary to be a good steward of all that God has provided to each of us. 

We do seminars and classes on:

  • Financial Peace University

  • Teaching Your Children About Money 

  • Retirement Planning, Saving and Living

  • Getting Out of Debt

  • Practical and Spiritual Aspects of Estate Design